Book Review : Brand Brilliance By Fiona Humberstone

Book Review : Brand Brilliance By Fiona Humberstone

There are so many business books out there and whenever you ask for book recommendations you get overwhelmed and yes so many have an opinion on what branding is and isn’t how can you know which to buy. Personally, I am one of those people who looks for reviews for most of my purchases, especially if I am buying books for personal and business development. As a coach I decided I would love to recommend only the most valuable and impactful books to my clients.

The first book review is Brand Brilliance from Fiona Humberstone of @thebrand_stylist

First Impressions

At first glance this book is elegant, beautifully laid out and truly an immersive experience into how truly visual a brand can be. This book isn’t just a book on branding your business it is an asset for your business to treasure and to continue to refer to as you evolve and grow.

Who is it suitable for?

Whether you are brand new and just trying to shape your business or you are established and want a refresh this book covers both types of business owners.

Stand Outs

  • The photography is intentional and crisp.
  • Layout is clean and clear.
  • Insider Tips throughout the book assumedly from clients but these are valuable extra touches that I think add further credibility.
  • Case Studies articulate what good looks like for each topic covered.

Create a company that plays to your strengths, feeds your ambition and enables you to live the life you want.

The book is split into two parts. Part 1 Brand Clarity covering topics from the philosophy around a brand to understanding your strategy and finally delving into the look of the brand.

Each of these parts does take you through both a journey of information and experience when you consider the guidance plus the examples of each topic.

Part two takes the concepts journaled or shaped in part one and excels them to the next level which is about bringing your brand to life – Brand Brilliance.

The author talks through essentials as well as how to have a website that wins you work which takes the reader on a natural evolution of their thinking.

You’re in control to create a business on your terms, define your own versions of success and shoot for the stars.

As a coach my focus is on helping purpose led entrepreneurs to go from aspiring or new to launched and confident. The great part of this specific niche is that as a coach you watch the magic go from a random thought to a real business. This book is a perfect compliment to that process.

New business impresses with soft launch

New business impresses with soft launch

As I sit here today in a newly discovered ‘health cafe’ I find out that they have only been open for 2 weeks and I am kinda blown away.

new cafe image

The consistency in branding is spot on, from the menu’s, to cutlery jars, bespoke art work and food. All gives an earthy, back to nature nourished kind of feel. I love that it’s not full on ‘vegan’ but embraces both meat lovers and veggie (me) and vegans alike with chicken on a menu next to the jackfruit (totally my new fave vegan food).

street view

Whilst it’s on a busy road it’s still got a great little view of the hills a few doors either way and you would lose that. 

Test and Learn

The menu is simple which is what you need when just starting out. Something that is easy to manage and deliver whilst being evolutionary so you can shape and evolve as you learn more about your clientele or customers. 

It’s standalone so not competing for attention but is on a busy road and therefore even without any big launch this little diamond of a new business is getting new customers daily. 

Some people choose to soft launch a business so that they can get used to being a business owner, they can test and learn themselves without fearing judgement. Being your own boss nowadays sounds like an easy way out of something. We all see loads of ‘ditch your 9-5’ or ‘don’t work for a boss, be your own boss’ and it all sounds so magical and fairy tale like.

Ok one of my courses I am developing is from ‘business dream to dream business’ because it is possible but no one said it was easy. Simple possibly. 

It can be fairytale like, but it also takes courage, let me say that again. It takes a bucket full of courage, a shed load of resilience and even more patience.

Overnight Success is a myth

No business is an overnight success, yes success can come easily but there is a lot of work behind the scenes before you press publish on your website or turn over the ‘open’ sign for the first time. 

I am sitting here so super impressed with this business so much that I am writing a blog about it on my phone because I’m inspired right now. 

Empty plates always a good sign

I’m not a food critic (well not a published one anyway) but I am passionate about people who don’t just dream but go for it! Well done to Hannah for going for that dream and total admiration for such a great job too! 

Check them out on Instagram.

Ever in Saddleworth, check out this little gem and follow on Instagram to share the joy! @healthhoneysaddleworth